Our Pastor
Our Pastor

Dr. Shelton Murphy
Senior Pastor

Dr. Shelton Murphy was born in Smithfield, North Carolina on December 19th, 1958 to the late Sam and Louise Murphy. He is the youngest of seven boys and four girls. In 1981, Dr. Murphy married Doris Annette James. They have been married for 38 years and from that union God blessed them with one son, Shelton Josiah Murphy, a Howard University Graduate. Dr. Murphy attended North Carolina State University in Raleigh, North Carolina where he received his B. A. degree in Communications. His Masters of Divinity was received in December 1986 and the Doctorate of Ministry in December 1990, both from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, N.C. In December 2013, he completed a M.S.C.M. degree, Masters of Science in Church Management, Villanova University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Dr. Murphy committed his life to Christ in the summer of 1977. His faithfulness to God is displayed in the numerous positions he has held. Some of which include Campus Pastor for the United Student Fellowship, N. C. State University, Raleigh, N. C., Chaplain at the Harnett Correctional Institution, Lillington, N. C. and Chaplain at the Federal Bureau of Prisons, Petersburg, VA. From there he completed a Chaplain’s Residency at the University of Virginia Medical Center and later served as a Rehabilitation Counselor at the Haynesville Correctional Institution, Haynesville, VA.
As a Naval Officer & missionary, Dr. Murphy has traveled extensively and has preached in many countries such as Jamaica, Cuba, Paris-France, Spain, Rome-Italy, Turkey, Corfu-Greece, Israel, Japan, Korea, & Johannesburg, South Africa. Some of his military assignments included: USS L.Y. Spear (AS-36), Norfolk, Virginia; USNS Comfort, Kingston, Jamaica; Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71); Marine Corps Air Station, Iwakuni, Japan, and was selected for promotion to the rank of Lieutenant Commander in August 2000.
Although selected to the rank of LCDR, on November 9th, 2000, Pastor Murphy answered the call of God to be the Servant Pastor & Under Shepherd of Mount Gilead Missionary Baptist Church. Pastor Murphy’s love for preaching and teaching the Gospel has become evident with increased congregational attendance during the Sunday morning services, Sunday School and Wednesday night Spiritual Growth Academy. The vision “Making Disciples through the Transforming Power of Jesus Christ” is certainly making a tremendous difference in the life of the church. The people of God are excited about making disciples and are glad to promote that Mount Gilead is a place where “Christians are born & Disciples are made!” Because of the favor of our Great God and the great vision of making disciples, in 2004 Mount Gilead took on the challenge of building a new 2.9 million-dollar Family Life Center. And although the Family Life Center was under a 30-year mortgage, by the grace of God and the faithful giving of God’s people, Mount Gilead was empowered to pay it off in 11 years. In August of 2015 the Family Life Center was paid in full. It’s only been (18) years since Pastor Murphy has taken the reigns, but through his creative, inspirational, motivational, innovative and visionary leadership Mount Gilead has taken off & is growing in quality & quantity to the Glory of God!
What a Mighty GOD we serve! To GOD be the GLORY!!!
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